
Plan your finances such that you meet every contingent expense without feeling pressured.


A chit is the only financial product that allows you to save and borrow. Be smart; avoid the pitfalls of borrowing at exorbitant costs from money lenders and other financial channels. Borrow with lesser hassles.


Vaasuki chits is your trustworthy, safe and reliable companion to help you reap maximum benefits from investing in a chits.

How Chits Work

Smart way to save and borrow
Chit Value

There is a new chit group that is commencing. The value of the chit is 500,000. This amount is known as the Chit Value.

Chit Period

For the purpose of this illustration, we will consider the duration of the chit to be 50 months. This is known as term period for the chit group.


The Foreman or Chit Fund Company has to gather 50 people who are interested in investing in this chit group. These 50 persons are called Subscribers.

Wanna Talk To Us?

Please feel free to contact us. We’re super happy to talk to you. Feel free to ask anything.


We are most trusted & Easy accessible

Vaasuki Chits is the most trusted and is the safest as registered chits company. With a number branches you will find an office very near to you wherever you go, or use our online presence and companion mobile app to keep track

Large choice of Chits

Our plans are subsciber friendly and have been designed keeping you in mind so you can decide on the amount from our wide range of choice that suits your financial goals
  • Premium services and beyond your expectation
  • Get the best support
  • Digital Payments; pay securely online
  • Chit auction through video conference

Our goal is to educate people with financial planning about chit-fund investments and borrowings to financially grow higher goals.

Vaasuki Dhanarashi Chit & Finance

(Registered with Tamil Nadu State Government)

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